Features of THE filters “FITO FILTER”
THE SHUNGITThe shungit - the natural mineral deposited in the most ancient layers of the ground, which age exceeds 2 billion years. High concentration in it of the fullerenes enables to assume its space origin. Same extraterrestrial fullerenes have been found in the fallen meteorites. Minerals of shungit are found out only in one place of the Earth. In Karelia there is an only explored field of shungit rocks in the world. Southern Karelia , settlement Shunga, 1887. So this place gave name to mysterious rock. In olden time the shungit was named “flaky stone”. It used at treatment of various illnesses, but only presently it was possible to open more full its surprising medical, clearing and protective properties. The shungit – the unique in the world the natural mineral containing fullerenes (opened in 1985)-special type of the molecular form of carbon. About importance of opening of fullerenes, speaks that fact that the group of English scientists in 1998 has been awarded with Nobel Prize. Owing to special structure, the fullerenes possess a number of surprising physical and chemical properties, among which powerful medical and protective. It its ability to cure many human illnesses, to keep the youth, beauty, normalizes the functioning of all human organs. Still Peter the Great has paid attention to amazing ability of shungit to clear water. In tsar admonitions it was ruled to each grenadier to hold in the knapsack “flaky stone” and to drop in a kettle with water for disinfecting “to keep a fortress of the stomach”. The shungit has justified tsar’s trust, having protected many soldiers from epidemic of the dysentery which has happened in days of the Poltava fight. Later - Peter I has based the well-known first Russian resort. It was named “Marsial waters”. Resort water gets curative properties, passing through thickness of shungit crust layers . Using the filters “Fito Filter”, you can receive such water at home! The mechanism of allocation of fullerene from the shungit is quite simple. The globules of carbon substance leave the rock at its interaction with water. Together with carbon in water other useful mineral substances act also. The shungit water possesses soothing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action. It helps to struggle with various illnesses: acute and chronic bronchitis, bilious-stone illness, stones in kidneys, diabetes, arthritises. Helps at a syndrome of chronic weariness, interferes with occurrence of development of the atherosclerosis. It is used at languidly healing wounds, furuncules, atopic dermatitis. Daily washing raises elasticity and the tone of the skin relieves from fine wrinkles, peelings and hypostasis. The shungit fullerenes accelerate process of regeneration o а skin at youthful acne. In this way the shungit revives the youth and beauty of the skin. Swilling with shungit water make hairs stronger, adding shine and silkiness, interferes to baldness. Numerous researches of unique properties of the shungit allow naming rightfully it "a medicine of XXI century". Using the filters "Fito Filter" you keep the health for long years. With more detailed information about shungit can familiarize in following editions: THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION:
H2Ocris. - enter into structure of peach mineral. THE PROPERTIES OF SHUNGIT: